2018, I moved to Ogun state and had to seek employment in a school within my vicinity. As a Lagos teacher, I was used to a vibrant class, swift answers and mushy acts by my students. So I resumed at my new work place with that fully charged energy. The first day got me confused. I was to teach the primary classes, I started my class and it was obvious these children were not following. They could neither understand what I was saying nor did they show any bit of interest. It was then I knew I had to start from the scratch. First, I had to create a connection. I wanted them to understand that I am first their friend. I needed to set the foundation that they can have both a friend and teacher in one. After that, I came down to their level. I made them feel and appreciate every little progress they made. I built up their interest in education. We worked together, applying several strategies I discovered and created, and within some month the growth was evident. Eureka is a book that ...
am so sure you went ha ha ha ha when you saw this funny title, yeah!!! i thought so too when i got the inspiration to write on it but after i meditated on it, everything became very very clear. majority of us are fond of complaining, nagging, crying and shouting LIFE ISN'T FAIR!!!, just because you lost your loved ones, failed an examination, had a break-up or lost a job opportunity. am sure you would be expecting me to write on how to bleach life since it isn't fair, but dearie just as i wouldn't advice you to use a bleaching cream, i won't also advice you to bleach your life. some of us are black, dudu, brown, red, chocolate, fair, yellow, afi e.t.c in complexion, that was just the way we were created. it wasn't our choice to make, but rather to love. irrespective of the complexion you are, it is expected of you to love yourself. i wonder why so many people love bleaching their colors, they want to become fair because they think fairness if beauty. you ...