2018, I moved to Ogun state and had to seek employment in a school within my vicinity. As a Lagos teacher, I was used to a vibrant class, swift answers and mushy acts by my students. So I resumed at my new work place with that fully charged energy. The first day got me confused. I was to teach the primary classes, I started my class and it was obvious these children were not following. They could neither understand what I was saying nor did they show any bit of interest. It was then I knew I had to start from the scratch. First, I had to create a connection. I wanted them to understand that I am first their friend. I needed to set the foundation that they can have both a friend and teacher in one. After that, I came down to their level. I made them feel and appreciate every little progress they made. I built up their interest in education. We worked together, applying several strategies I discovered and created, and within some month the growth was evident. Eureka is a book that ...
in my last post i wrote about how we have given failure room in our lives and the repercussion.
i also talked about how to give the right of ownership to success so that failure won't be the owner anymore.
so in today's post i would be continuing from my last post which would be very brief.
i talked about giving your room to success so that failure would have no choice but to squat or leave your life. now the beauty of this is SUCCESS HAS FRIENDS.
you can remember i said i allowed my friend squat with me because i trusted her and also because she is my friend. a lot of people actually begged to squat with me but because they were strangers whom i couldn't vouch for their character i turned them down.
That is exactly what happens when you give the room to success. SUCCESS doesn't trust FAILURE, they are no friends at all. so do you actually think success would actually allow failure into your life HELL NO!!!!
success has friends who are begging to squat with him so she would never allow failure to squat because she knows the kind of person failure is.
also if you decide to give the room to failure be aware that she also has her friends and would never let success squat with her because they are both enemies. SO CHOOSE WISELY.
yeAH am so sure you would be saying WHY THEN DOES FAILURE SET IN WHEN SUCCESS HAS A ROOM
well the problem is still with us, am sure you know every room has a door and so does the room in your mind.
failure was only able to push in because the door of our minds are too weak or have been left open.
success would only open the door when it is her friends at the door but when your door is weak, failure who is an aggressive fellow finds it easy breaking into your mind.
so if you keep on with the above, failure would be able to set in.
so guide your mind
mind your attitude
mind your lifestyle
do a self check on yourself frequently
i also talked about how to give the right of ownership to success so that failure won't be the owner anymore.
so in today's post i would be continuing from my last post which would be very brief.
i talked about giving your room to success so that failure would have no choice but to squat or leave your life. now the beauty of this is SUCCESS HAS FRIENDS.
you can remember i said i allowed my friend squat with me because i trusted her and also because she is my friend. a lot of people actually begged to squat with me but because they were strangers whom i couldn't vouch for their character i turned them down.
That is exactly what happens when you give the room to success. SUCCESS doesn't trust FAILURE, they are no friends at all. so do you actually think success would actually allow failure into your life HELL NO!!!!
success has friends who are begging to squat with him so she would never allow failure to squat because she knows the kind of person failure is.
also if you decide to give the room to failure be aware that she also has her friends and would never let success squat with her because they are both enemies. SO CHOOSE WISELY.
yeAH am so sure you would be saying WHY THEN DOES FAILURE SET IN WHEN SUCCESS HAS A ROOM
well the problem is still with us, am sure you know every room has a door and so does the room in your mind.
failure was only able to push in because the door of our minds are too weak or have been left open.
success would only open the door when it is her friends at the door but when your door is weak, failure who is an aggressive fellow finds it easy breaking into your mind.
- PRIDE: As we all know that pride goes before a fall. The moment we become proud of our success, the door of our minds weakens and thus failure breaks in.
- SELFISHNESS:When you become too selfish of your success the door to your mind weakens.
- GREEDY:When you become too greedy, you are only harming yourself
- covetousness
- quick to anger
- lies
- lackadaisical attitude and so more
so if you keep on with the above, failure would be able to set in.
so guide your mind
mind your attitude
mind your lifestyle
do a self check on yourself frequently