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A story of my confused state

  2018, I moved to Ogun state and had to seek employment in a school within my vicinity. As a Lagos teacher, I was used to a vibrant class, swift answers and mushy acts by my students. So I resumed at my new work place with that fully charged energy. The first day got me confused. I was to teach the primary classes, I started my class and it was obvious these children were not following. They could neither understand what I was saying nor did they show any bit of interest. It was then I knew I had to start from the scratch. First, I had to create a connection. I wanted them to understand that I am first their friend. I needed to set the foundation that they can have both a friend and teacher in one. After that, I came down to their level. I made them feel and appreciate every little progress they made. I built up their interest in education. We worked together, applying several strategies I discovered and created, and within some month the growth was evident. Eureka is a book that cove


behind every failure there is a hidden beauty which is only discovered by those who are not defeated by their failures but rather take each failure as a stepping stone to a successful tomorrow. the story of the two great men below shows that there is truly a beauty behind every failure, though this stories are just summaries but it would be of your advantage if you read more on them. THOMAS EDDISON the man who invented the electric light bulb failed 999 times before getting it right.  While in school his teacher told him he was too stupid to learn anything, he was fired from his first two jobs for been non productive. when a reporter asked him how he felt to fail 1,000 times he replied i didnt fail 1,000 times, the light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps ALBERT EINSTEIN failed maths while in school,even after school he was unsuccessful at businesses he tried doing, to express his misery he wrote his friend a letter saying i am now the most miserable man living. if what


10. Abbey Fleck (Age 8) – Makin’ Bacon Young entrepreneur Abbey Fleck was only eight years old when inspiration struck. She and her dad had just finished cooking bacon, only to discover that there weren’t any paper towels to soak up the fat. Much to Fleck’s mother’s dismay, the pair improvised and used the classified section of a newspaper instead. Suddenly, Fleck had an idea: “Why not hang the bacon up while it cooks?” Not only would this render paper towels unnecessary, but it would also make the bacon healthier. In 1993, after Fleck and her dad had spent some time experimenting, the duo brought forth a microwave-safe dish with three upright bars on which to hang bacon on while it cooked. They patented their idea a year later and eventually struck a distribution deal with Walmart. Fleck’s grandfather took out a loan on his farm to pay for the first 100,000 dishes – but it seems to have been worth it. In 2002, Entrepreneur.com reported that the new company was earning more than


BE YOURSELF Itz quite funny when I hear people say they can't pretend to be who they are not. They are always fond of saying TAKE ME THE WAY I AM, LOVE ME THE WAY I AM. Imagine a lady who has been in and out of relationships all because of her bad attitude but rather than working on herself she is still waiting for the man that will take her the way she is. SMH Who told you that is how you are? Most attitude are as a result of the environment,family and situations we find ourselves in. It is good to BE YOURSELF but the truth is do you really know YOURSELF. Most of us think we know ourselves but sincerely we don't. God looked at all He created and saw that it was good, so if that attitude you portray is a bad one then my dear that is not YOURSELF. Look deep into YOURSELF, get rid of the YOU that isn't YOU and give room for the YOU that ought to be in YOU. Who told YOU your YOU is a coward, or a thief,a dullard e.t.c. That isn't YOU. Discover YOU NO


our talented child celebrity of the week goes to our dear loving EMMANUELLA  SAMUEL this little girl have entertained us beyond our imaginations now after studying young emmanuella for some things i listed out some things that we should learn from her. Am so sure there are so many youngsters ou t there who are trying to get known through their talents among which we have Emmanuelle, Amarachi, Ozzy who stood out from them all. Today we would be looking at the things that made these ones stand out and we would be using Emmanuella as our case study. Just like you have already known Emanuella isn’t a child from a wealthy background, she doesn’t have the connection that we all think we need before we can be successful in this life. Now today I bring you things behind the success of Emmanuella THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT BEEN SUCESSFUL ·          She is ever ready to learn: am so sure she is not the type that feels she knows all and shouldn’t be corrected on what


If you are a very good writer and you are looking for an opportunity to sustain your talent then you should do the following. ·          Engage yourself in writing at home. ·          Have a book where you write your stories ·          If you attend a church which uses bulletin, ask them if they could publish your story in it. ·          Paste your write-ups on your school notice board. ·          Paste your write-ups on the walls of your area that’s if it is legal ·          Try making friends with those who would improve your writing skills ·          Pick up topics and write on them ·          Look for writing competitions around where you can drop your stories. ·          Read the write-ups of other writers around you ·          Make reading a hobby ·          Read stories written by great authors And before you say jack am sure you would have thousands of opportunities knocking on your door

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