To me, the foremost thing on our minds now should be finding out the blueprints of the Creator for us this year, so as not to labour in vain.
Like I wrote in my previous posts, aligning our dreams with the Creator's plans will save us the acrimony of seeing our cherished dreams crushed.
Heed this advice and follow it through this year.
Now,to the main thing on my mind,that was just a digression.
I recall that some years back, spiritual inferiority was my second nature.
I wired myself to think less of myself,as regards spirituality.
I could not help wondering if I was not destined to be part of those who enjoy an intimate relationship with their maker.
Perhaps,I would have to rely on using those who were destined as a means to glean the intricacies of the spiritual realm.
I kept lingering in this state until I encountered some life-changing experiences(which I won't share with you but one). As I grew up spiritually, with the help of certain books I read especially Joyce Meyer's, and mine understanding, I came to realize that God walks with us in unique and different ways,as He chooses.
There are some brethren who have seen Christ physically, and some have even heard God speak clearly and directly in their hearing(Despite the spiritual lies that reign today,some people have really experienced this.
So, do not discount it until you confirm its validity).
I, for one, have never experienced that but I am deeply convinced that God speaks to me.
Some of us will never see that powerful Old Man nor His son till the day of our deaths, while some may be privileged to even chat with them face-to-face without seeing death.
The ways in which God walks with us is beyond our control,the decision is His alone.
Yours is to discover that way and use it to the fullest potential.
You are not spiritually inferior if you do not see Christ/angels, or if heaven does not open when God speaks to you.
Most of the times, God speaks to people through an inner voice.
If you fall within this range,do not devalue your spiritual worth.
Take comfort in the fact that that is how God wants it to be and He has your well-being at heart.
Having an intimate relationship with God should not be based on the experiences of others,it is strictly personal.
Do not try to limit yourself or God to a particular means of communication, leave it to Him to do that as He chooses.
Who knows?He might walk with you in a way He has done with no one.
Prophet Elijah heard God speaking to Him,Paul had mostly visions and knowledge of the word,Isaiah saw the Great One Himself, Jesus experienced all of these.
The differences doesn't devalue any of these people's spiritual worth, rather they experienced the diverse ways of God and this in turn, buoyed up their faith.
If there is anyone around you who magnifies his/her spiritual experiences in a way that makes you feel threatened or inadequate, please separate yourself from such person.
Do not allow anything to poison your spirituality.
Just focus on maintaining the Creator's original position in your life.
He already has orchestrated how everything will be concerning you, so let Him carry out His intents.
Whichever way He walks with you, embrace it and continue therein. Bear in mind, that whatever concerns God is not an accident, it is His intentional design.
Just go with the flow.
This is a New Year gift from me to you. Appropriate this knowledge in your life, this year must count in your life as regards your spirituality.
Written by Oyindamola Grace Osinubi