I can't sleep, I rolled on the bed, closed my eyes a thousand times but still no sleep.
I can hear the voice clearly, it wouldn't stop speaking so I decided to write it down.
You were invited to a party and was told to be there in time since the party would end by 4pm.
The venue of the party is unknown to you so is the direction and you didn't speak.
You got to know so many others were invited to a party thou you're not so sure its the same party but you convinced yourself the direction should be the same.
Friends and family guessed the venue of the party so they too gave you directions.
You still didn't deem it fit to ask the one who invited you the venue and direction to the party.
"Persin no fit lose for Nija now" you told your naive self.
It is the d-day, you set out with friends and family based on their directions.
You got to the party but they wouldn't let you enter. "This isn't your party" they tell you.
You check the time 2pm, you're late, would you get there in time?.
You're confused, the directions given to you lead you elsewhere.
3pm it then occurred to you, you forgot to ask the one who invited you.
You give him a call, he told you the venue and direction of the party.
You got there 4pm
The gates are closed
Everyone is gone
And so is the food and presents you were expecting.
You where created for a reason, I'm sure you're aware your presence on earth isn't a mistake.
To everyman a purpose
Our stay on earth is temporary
There is somewhere for eternity
You're here on an assignment
Just like the party your time on earth is limited.
So many of us are yet to find the reason for our creation
We try to follow the path of others forgetting we were given our own path.
The clock is ticking
Time is going
Go back to the one who created you
Get to know your purpose and how to fulfill it.
The master is on his way
The gates would soon be closed
Find your own path
I know you might have gone astray but He is ever ready to give you the direction to your location.
Present yourself ready for the masters use
Don't follow the way of friends and family
Thou their directions might look too rosy and that of God too narrow
But God's direction is the only one which leads to your location
It was God who designed your location
Bola, Mercy and Lola weren't there
Only God knows
Ask Him today