2018, I moved to Ogun state and had to seek employment in a school within my vicinity. As a Lagos teacher, I was used to a vibrant class, swift answers and mushy acts by my students. So I resumed at my new work place with that fully charged energy. The first day got me confused. I was to teach the primary classes, I started my class and it was obvious these children were not following. They could neither understand what I was saying nor did they show any bit of interest. It was then I knew I had to start from the scratch. First, I had to create a connection. I wanted them to understand that I am first their friend. I needed to set the foundation that they can have both a friend and teacher in one. After that, I came down to their level. I made them feel and appreciate every little progress they made. I built up their interest in education. We worked together, applying several strategies I discovered and created, and within some month the growth was evident. Eureka is a book that ...
Yesterday i boarded a bus to work and the conductor taught me a very important life lesson.
When i entered i was the only one in the bus and there were several buses there calling out for passengers but this conductor of the bus i entered did something i loved.
He went across the road and started calling for passengers, he assisted some in crossing the road and he carried luggage of others.
He also had to persuade some that his bus was going to move immediately they entered and before the twinkle of an eye the bus was filled while other buses were still there.
After some passengers dropped he had to call for more passengers, the first two passengers offered to pay less which was ridiculous.
He refused to carry them and the bus moved to another location, getting there he picked passengers who paid exactly what he called. It got me thinking thank God he didn't to carry those who offered to less.
Develop a strategy that makes people prefer your product/service to your competitors.
Sometimes to get what you want, to get your destiny helpers locate you, to make people patronize you, you must be willing to lift up some of their burden. So many people are actually willing to help you but are been held back by a particular burden. So try giving free assistance before a paid assistance ( i hope you understood that).
Most people are in a confused state of either to patronize you or not. So to get them out of their confusion, you must be able to convince them beyond reasonable doubt that what they are going for is solid. So many are offering the same service you offer, so there should something spectacular about you and your service that would attract people to you.
Sometimes you don't have to bring the price of your product/service down because you want customers to patronize you, if you do so they might come to the conclusion that it isn't really of value that's why you brought the price down. There is always someone willing to buy it at your stated price, so all you just have to work on is getting the right audience. And if all this is put together you would surely have a swell business.
Also learn to speak out, advertise your products/services. People can't know what you offer except you tell them. So speak out.
Your location matters, if you're in the wrong position you can't get the right audience
Also before starting a business put into consideration the following
- Who are my audience?
- What problem do i intend solving?
- What benefit is my service/product?
- does it fit to the need of individuals in my location?
