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A story of my confused state

  2018, I moved to Ogun state and had to seek employment in a school within my vicinity. As a Lagos teacher, I was used to a vibrant class, swift answers and mushy acts by my students. So I resumed at my new work place with that fully charged energy. The first day got me confused. I was to teach the primary classes, I started my class and it was obvious these children were not following. They could neither understand what I was saying nor did they show any bit of interest. It was then I knew I had to start from the scratch. First, I had to create a connection. I wanted them to understand that I am first their friend. I needed to set the foundation that they can have both a friend and teacher in one. After that, I came down to their level. I made them feel and appreciate every little progress they made. I built up their interest in education. We worked together, applying several strategies I discovered and created, and within some month the growth was evident. Eureka is a book that cove
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Book Review 1: EUREKA

Few years back, I was preparing my students for their examination which was to commence the subsequent week. I was supposed to go by the normal revision style-asking questions repeatedly and hoping they get the answers-which personally I realised it is not the best move. I realised some students rather than reading, they just cram the answers to the questions and on the exam day, they download it. That is if they can still recall. I also noticed some get bored with the question and answer section which occurs often. They find something to distract them and that leaves the teacher talking to just a few student whose attention is still fixed. Having considered this and many other factors, I had to devise a more fun revision strategy which I believe would arouse the interest of all my students. This gave rise to the TREASURE HUNT strategy which I beautifully captured in my book EUREKA. Eureka is a must have book for everyone who deals with impacting children. Just like the treasure hunt s


If you've ever needed the services of a website designer, you'll know how expensive their charges can be.  Here's why... My first blog (www.jesustibab.blogspot.com) has views from over 20 countries and my present blog (www.classroommattaz.school.blog) which I started this month has views from over 10 countries. That means whatever content you have on your blog can be seen all over the world. This is the reason individuals and corporate bodies are willing to pay any amount just to get a professional website/blog. Do you know you can design a professional website/blog without paying a huge amount to get it done? This is where I come in; I will be holding a one week Whatsapp class on FREE WEBSITE AND BLOG CREATION and the best part is, I'm not asking for a fortune to teach you this skill that's in high demand, with just *#3,000* you would learn everything about website and blog creation. Since we're close to the season of love, I'm extending my love to you by


I remember my first experience with a slow learner. At first I thought he was just lazy but later I realised it wasn't laziness. He was always quite, doesn't answer questions in class and rarely relate with his peers. Within months of my stay in the school I started noticing some changes in my boy. He now attempts assignment and classwork given. He talks in class and now relates well with his classmates. The trick is to first make them feel safe in class rather than make your expectations a burden to them. Over the years I've had to teach slow Learners and it has been a wonderful experience. The link below is a podcast where I talked on how to cope with Slow Learners. It's a ten minutes audio that summarizes strategies you can put in place when you have a slow learner in class. If you have questions, I'll be glad to answer them. https://anchor.fm/MissDairo%20/episodes/How-to-cope-with-Slow-Learners-ef5bj4 Don't forget to leave a comment and share w


HOW I LOST MY JOB (2016) The company's new managing director called me into his office. MD: Titi I'm very sure you're aware of the financial setback this company is facing and right now all hands ought to be on deck towards restructuring the company. Me: Yes Sir MD: Right now I need people that can get me ten million naira per month through marketing and the way I'm seeing you, you can't befriend those men that can put money into this business. Or can you? Me: No Sir MD: Well, I need those who can go to any length to get me that money. In that case your service is no longer needed here... I couldn't get another job for months until February when I got the teaching job, I was told I'm going to be paid an amount which is my previous salary divided by 3. I was already crying inside me, it was like a grace to grass story but man has gat no choice so I accepted it. I knew if I was to base my teaching on my salary it won't turn out well so I had to

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